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Primrose Hill National School, Celbridge, Co. Kildare

Physical Activity

Noah Buckley - 2nd Place in Hockey League!
Noah Buckley - 2nd Place in Hockey League!
Table Tennis Sets
Table Tennis Sets
Table Tennis Sets
Table Tennis Sets
Table Tennis Sets
Table Tennis Sets
Table Tennis Sets
Table Tennis Sets
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 3 _ 2023
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Playground Leaders
Playground Leaders
Learning long rope skipping game
Learning long rope skipping game
Skipping Ropes
Skipping Ropes
Dance of the Month
Dance of the Month
Noah Buckley - 2nd Place in Hockey League!
Noah Buckley - 2nd Place in Hockey League!
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Run Around Ireland 2 _ 2022
Dance of the Month October 2022 Ghostbusters
Dance of the Month October 2022 Ghostbusters
Dance of the Month October 2022 Ghostbusters!
Dance of the Month October 2022 Ghostbusters!
Dance of the Month April 2023 Waka Waka
Dance of the Month April 2023 Waka Waka
Dance of the Month April 2023 Waka Waka
Dance of the Month April 2023 Waka Waka
Daily Mile
Daily Mile
Dance of the Month - outdoors!
Dance of the Month - outdoors!
Dance of the Month - outdoors!
Dance of the Month - outdoors!
Dance of the Month
Dance of the Month

Physical Activity is extremely important for children’s health and well-being. It is recommended that children get 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every day.

Children have a chance to avail of physical activity during their break times in school.

Primrose Hill participates in The Daily Mile initiative whereby the children run for at least 10 minutes outside every day (separate to play break times). This is a great opportunity to practice their movement skills  - running, walking, skipping. 

We participate in ASF Run Around Ireland (and Europe!) initiatives. ASF provides a lovely map and a list of destinations and landmarks. We work out the distances in kilometres and then the classes choose whether to equate their laps or the number of minutes spent moving to kilometres, and aim for different destinations each day. A lovely way to learn about our geographic and historic landmarks. We recently took part in Run Around Ireland 3! 


Pupils also enjoyed the Active Breaks Jam Jar Challenge earlier this year.

Children are allowed to run in our school yard and we promote a wide range of activities for them to engage in.

We have a sport’s equipment timetable which includes: basketball, football, climbing equipment, swings and climbing tower, hoops and skipping ropes.

We also encourage less active children to keep moving during break times and to “Do your talking as you’re walking”.

We have Playground Leaders who from the Senior Classes who join the Junior end of the school on yard once a week to teach them new games or to help them practice ball skills, skipping skills etc

On wet days, children partake in physical activities within the classroom such as Bizzy Breaks, 10@10, and Go Noodle, Cosmic Yoga.

Primrose Hill chooses a song every month as a "Dance of the Month" and each class dances every day as a movement break in the classroom. The whole school dances together during the last assembly of each month.

19th Jun 2024
Our 2024 Active School Week took place from 27th May to 31st May. The week started...
29th May 2024
All pupils took part in our Marathon Relay today, and all classes gave each other...
30th May 2023
Friday 26th May, we had perfect weather for our first Whole School Sports Day since...
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20240531 103441
20240531 103137
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May 2023 Dance of the Month
Dance of the Month AnDreoilin March 2023
Dance of the Month Ghostbusters October 2022